Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cookie Rally

Yesterday was the Cookie Kickoff for Girl Scouts. I happen to be in charge of it, again. We start selling cookies next Saturday (Jan. 17). To rev up the girls and help them learn about the cookies, we hold a rally. As usual the girls took home a bunch of paper products. They made ribbons for a cause, thought of ways they could package cookies to sell more, tasted cookies (including the new one Dulce de Leché), sang a song about the safety rules, set a goal for what incentive they planned to work toward, and listed ways they could donate. This year's theme is "Imagine If …" and philanthropy is a strong part of the cookie program.

I had four of my girls at the rally. Deirdre worked with a Senior PA (Program Aide) to help her earn her hours toward becoming a Junior PA. Girls who have finished sixth grade or are 12 can become Junior PA's. These girls are a big help to running events. It also helps the girls to learn how to deal with younger girls. Some groups need a lot of help and others don't. This was D's first event as a PA.

Malynn Christensen, Sarah Jacobson, and Samantha Olsen pose with Gayle Jensen, our SU treasurer, after making the cookie chains for booth decoration. D came up with the station title "Imagine If … you could chain-ge the world". Gayle was going to retire from GS after this year, but Uleda talked her out of it. With Lynette, our current SUD, leaving as of this week, I am now SUD and I barely know what I am doing. I know for a fact that I can't or won't put the time into being SUD that Lynette has. I just can't.

As you can see from this picture D spent most of the time alone as a PA. Amanda is a junior in high school and this was her last event as a PA. D said that she (D, not Amanda) found being a PA pretty boring. She flat out refuses to be a PA at day camp. It's okay, she has to have even more training to do that. But in a few years she might not want to go around doing things at day camp; we'll see when she's 14/15.

Here is Uleda Westland, our Girl Services Volunteer (basically a liason between the Utah GS Council and the local Service Units), taking a picture of D being a PA. Also pictured are Malynn, Sarah, and Samantha. The other three girls are from Marysvale. The troop down there brought 12 girls to our rally because they didn't have one in the Fishlake Service Unit.

This is Malynn, Sarah, and Samantha making their elephants. After tracing their fist and coloring the resulting elephant, each girl decided what she wanted to work toward in cookies sales.

Here all four of the girls with their paper chain that Sam, Sarah, and Malynn made. They are standing on the stage after the rally had ended.

Of course we have to have a silly picture to go with a "nice" one.

FYI:Because of school starting, I will probably only post once a week on Saturday or Sunday.

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